In what digital stores may I find your productins?
Our catalogue isn’t fully available in the online markets.
Our distribution channels make most of the catalogue available on: 7digital, Amazon, Beatport, Cubomusica (telecom italia), Play.me / Dada, Esselunga music store, Fastweb music, Ibs, iTunes, Juno, Microsoft zune, Net-music (mediaworld), Nokia ovi store, Realnetworks, Spotify, YouTube.
How can I buy physical products on your website?
Buying records on our website is really easy
Just search for the product you’re looking for or take a look at our digital store and add the products you want to buy to your cart.
When you got in your cart all the products you were looking for just go to the checkout process to complete your order and apyment.
what payment methods do you accept?
We accept three payment methods:
- Credit card
- PayPal
- Cash on delivery (Italy only)
How does the credit card payment via Banca Sella work??
The credit card holder gives all the details only to Banca Sella, neither Ala Bianca nor its provider have access to any customers credit cards data at any time.
Paymenti s processed as follows:
- As you confirm your order and your credit card payment the process is moved to Banca Sella safe payment page where you can fullfill all your credit card details.
- Banca Sella collects all the transaction data, it sends themto authorized Visa/Mastercard circuits and get the answer back.
- Banca Sella separatley comunicates to you and Ala Bianca if your payment has been accepted. The whole process takes approximately ten seconds and highly reliable and safe.
What credit cards are accepted by PayPal?
Paypal accepts the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, , Postepay, Discover, American Express, Carta Aura and PayPal recharge card
Can I pay with a bank cheque?
No, you can’t. In case, you can connect you bank account with Paypal.
Is there any free shipping policy?
Yes, any order over 75 € gets free shipment (Italy only)
what shipment options are available?
Poste Italiane € 6.71
Corriere € 7.75
Poste Italiane € 12.90
Rest of the World
Poste Italiane € 20.65
How long should I wait for an answer to my order?
You’ll get an automathic answer to your order. If you don’t receive it immediately, in some circumstances it may take up to 24 h after payment. In case you still don’t get any confirm after this amout of time get in touch with our custumer care
How long does it take for my order to be shipped?
We ususally take up to three working days to ship orders
How my persanal data will be used ?
All persanal data collected on our website will be processed accordingly to Italian Law 675/96 art. 10, and in detail:
Data will only be used to fullfill fiscal and commercial requirements ralted to orders.
Dati will NOT be shared with any third party.
The entity responsable for data processing is Ala Bianca Group srl, Modena, via Emilia est 1646/c .
I still have doubts. Who may I contact?
Please, for any doubt just get in touch with our custumer care
I am a blogger/journalist, I wrtie for webzines, magazines etc. and I would like to get infos on your releases. Who may I contact?
Please get in touch with our webmarketing manger